
This is an old revision of the document!

How to cancel multiple shifts

Cancelling shifts is non reversible - use with caution and ensure accurate information is entered for cancel reason as actions are related to shift cancel reasons (for example if the shift still requires filling, whether the temp still requires paid for that shift/ client charged etc.)

There are different methods of cancelling shifts dependent on the version of IQX you are using, please note version information for each.

1 - Cancelling using the Cancel Shifts in Bulk job (Reports).

2 - Cancelling using Cancel Button on Person Shifts or Vacancy Shifts views (version onwards only)

3 - Cancelling using the Cancel Unfilled button on Temp Desk> Shifts (will be available from version

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  • vacancy_job/ug3-26b.1413975213.txt.gz
  • Last modified: 2017/11/16 22:11
  • (external edit)