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Vacancy Selector

Here you will find a list of all your current vacancies. You can expand any record and make any updates from here as well as searching for specific vacancies, creating stored selections and searches, sending notifications and running reports.

Finding Vacancies

  • To list all your current vacancies- Type a * into the search bar and either click 'Find' or press enter.
  • To find a vacancy for a specific Company- Type the Company name into the search bar and Click 'Find' or press enter > this will return all vacancies for this Client. Once you locate the vacancy you require you can view the detail by either double clicking on it or clicking the 'Expand button'.
  • To view old/closed vacancies- Click on the 'Show Historic' button.
  • You can further filter your search by using search criteria and you can also create stored searches and selections from this view.

Click here to learn more about Searching

  • quick-guides-18.1656342220.txt.gz
  • Last modified: 2022/06/27 15:03
  • by Meena Brock