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Boiler Plate Text (Standard Text / AutoText)

Boiler Plate Text allows setting up of blocks of standard text which may be easily dropped into the current cursor position of the various free text notes fields.

This is helpful for vacancy job description outlines, interview question outlines, contact events etc.

Set up in Maintenance> Agency Setup> Boiler Plate Text.

Select whether you want the text to be accessible from:
Contact Event
Text Message

Double click on the boiler plate text field to open the box to enter the text.

When inserting boiler plate fields, please make sure the fields are surrounded by {}s


This allows the setting up of blocks of standard text which may be easily dropped into the current cursor position of the various free text notes fields. The below fields are available

SHIFTDETAILS          e.g. 01/02/2012 13:00-17:00
Applicant Fields : Accessible from Applicant, Vacancy, Placement
Boiler Plate Field   	Table   	Field       		Example
APP_NAME             	Person	        Name          		Mr Fred Smith
APP_SURNAME         	Person 	        Surname  		Smith
APP_USURNAME         	Person  	Surname        		SMITH
APP_FORENAMES       	Person  	Forenames      		Fred
APP_UFORENAMES      	Person  	Forenames     		FRED
APP_SALUTATION      	Person 	        Salutation    		Mr Smith
APP_ADDR1            	Person  	Addr1          		Wester Newhouse
APP_ADDR2            	Person  	Addr2          		Lilliesleaf
APP_ADDR3           	Person  	Addr3    
APP_TOWN             	Person  	Town          		Melrose
APP_COUNTY           	Person  	County         		Scottish Borders
APP_COUNTRY          	Person  	Country        		Scotland
APP_POSTCODE         	Person  	Postcode       		TD6 9JT
APP_DOB             	Person  	DOB    	        	1/1/1990
APP_SEX             	Person  	Sex           		Male
APP_NI          	Person 	        NI             		AB123456C
APP_APPNUMBER        	Person  	AppNumber     		123456
APP_PAYROLLNUMBER    	Person  	Payrollnumber  		1
APP_REGISTRATIONDATE 	Person  	RegistrationDate   	01/01/2010
APP_ADDRESS                                     		Wester Newhouse, Lilliesleaf, Melrose, TD6 9JT
APP_PHN_HOME_TELEPHONE                         		        01835 340034
APP_PHN_DAY_TELEPHONE                          		        01835 340034
APP_PHN_FAX                            			        01835 XXXXXX
APP_HEADERNAME                                  		Mr Fred Smith
APP_LISTOFCVS                                   		xxxxxx
Company Fields :  Accessible from Company, Vacancy and Progress
Boiler Plate 		Table		Field 		Example
COM_NAME		Person  	Name           	Mr Fred Smith
COM_SALUTATION		Person   	Salutation    	Mr Smith
COM_COMPANYNAME		Company 	Name          	IQX Limited
COM_ADDR1		Company		Addr1          	Wester Newhouse
COM_ADDR2		Company  	Addr2          	Lilliesleaf
COM_ADDR3		Company  	Addr3    
COM_TOWN		Company 	Town          	Melrose
COM_COUNTY		Company 	County         	Scottish Borders
COM_COUNTRY          	Company  	Country		Scotland
COM_POSTCODE         	Company  	Postcode        TD6 9JT
COM_POSITION         	Employment	Position        Developer
COM_DEPARTMENT       	Employment	Department      Development
COM_ADDRESS                         			Wester Newhouse, Lilliesleaf, Melrose, TD6 9JT
COM_HOME_TELEPHONE                  			01835 340034
COM_DAY_TELEPHONE                    			01835 340034
COM_PHN_FAX                            			01835 XXXXXX
COM_HEADERNAME                               		Mr Fred Smith, IQX Limited
Vacancy Fields : Accessible from Company, Vacancy, Progress and Placement
Boiler Plate Field	Table		Field		Example
VAC_POSITION         	Vacancy    	Position        Desktop Support
VAC_ENTRYDATE        	Vacancy   	EntryDate   	01/01/2012
VAC_STARTDATE        	Vacancy    	StartDate     	01/11/2012
VAC_SALARY          	Vacancy    	Salary         	20000
VAC_REFCODE          	Vacancy    	RefCode      	VAC11111
VAC_NOOFPOSTS        	Vacancy   	NoofPosts    	1
VAC_EXPIRY           	Vacancy    	Expiry          01/12/2012
Progress fields : Only accessible from Progress
Boiler Plate Field	Table		Field		Example
PRG_STATUS         	Progress  	Status          C
PRG_ACTIONDATE     	Progress   	ActionDate     	01/01/2012
PRG_INTERVIEWDATE   	Progress	InterviewDate	01/01/2012
PRG_INTERVIEWTIME    	Progress  	InterviewTime  	12:45
Placement fields : Only accessible from Placement
Boiler Plate Field	Table		Field		Example
PLC_SALARY         	Placement 	Salary          20000
PLC_POSITION        	Placement  	Position        Desktop Support
PLC_STARTDATE        	Placement  	StartDate      	01/01/2012
PLC_LEAVEDATE        	Placement  	LeaveDate      	01/06/2012
PLC_DEPARTMENT       	Employment	Department     	Support
PLC_PLACEDATE       	Placement  	PlaceDate       01/12/2011
Any additional phone types can be accessed (if present in the database) in the format of COM_<phonetype name>
Only if the corresponding field is available.

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  • hat_12.1395228202.txt.gz
  • Last modified: 2017/11/16 21:56
  • (external edit)