Custom Grid Columns

Refers to Maintenance - Database Set Up - Custom Grids

As an Agency you can customise almost all of the grids in IQX, selector screens and grid views on records e.g. placements view on a candidate record. You can do this so users can see information that is important to your Agency at a glance. For example on the person selector you might want to see the date the candidate was last contacted or on Desktop - Current Vacancies you might want to see the answer to a vacancy question.

Custom Grid Columns are defined in Maintenance - Database Setup.

To add a new custom column select the Department, Form and View along the top then use the Add button to create the new column.

Some more technical details about the definitions above can be found here

Note: Although there is no limit to the number of custom columns you can add to a form it should be noted that each additional column added will affect speed, particularly in larger databases.

In addition to this there are a range of options available to users and admins by right-clicking the column heading of almost any grid . You can drag columns to move them, hide them by selecting that option on the right-click menu, remember your column layout, select the DEFAULT or a named layout, or Show All Columns.

More information on this feature can be found here