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ug1-22 [2014/03/19 11:46] barbaraug1-22 [2023/11/28 13:23] (current) Catherine Riddell
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 ====== References ====== ====== References ======
 +On the Candidate Record you will see a tab for 'Online References'
 +{{ :onlineref.png?600 |}}
 +To add a new reference to a Candidate, use the **New Reference** button. 
 +{{ ::newref.png?600 |}}
 +This will bring up the Reference Form. \\
 +The information you are required to fill in will depend on what 'Type' you select \\
 +Fill in the required fields and Save. 
 +{{ ::refform.png?600 |}}
 +The referee will now appear on the Online Reference screen for that Candidate as **<color #43a75a>green</color>**.\\
 +When the Reference is ready to be sent Expand the Reference and Click 'Approve to Send'. An automated job will then pick up this Reference and send it to the
 +Referee and the Reference will be highlighted in **<color #ff4eff>pink</color>**. \\
 +The Referee will receive an Email with a Link to return the reference where it will then be highlighted black in IQX.\\
 +{{ ::referencelist.png?600 |}}
 +Further references can be added by repeating the steps. Once a reference request has been sent the record cannot be deleted. \\
 **Set up - for Systems Administrators** **Set up - for Systems Administrators**
-  - Create a contact event type - called Reference Request or something similar. Go to Maintenance, Agency Setup, Contact Event Types NEW. +[[sa38-00|]]
-  - If you wish to send a standard document out with the reference request, create the document and save it in the reports directory. +
-  - Link the document to the the Contact Event type by entering the full document filename in the client email attachment column (Agency Setup, Contact Event Types, Email Attachments.) Multiple attachments must be seperated with a semi colon (;). Each time this contact event type is used to send an email it will attach the document(s). +
-  - Create boiler plate text if you wish to have a standard email text to be used. Using the insert text on the contact event makes sending the request quicker. (Maintenance, Agency Setup, Boiler Plate Text, ADD).  See also [[hat_12|Boiler Plate Text]]+
-  - Finally switch on References for the database. General Settings, Switchable Views, 110 Person Reference Request Y.+
 +Back to [[ug1-00|Candidates. How to...]]
  • ug1-22.1395229584.txt.gz
  • Last modified: 2017/11/16 21:58
  • (external edit)