
This is an old revision of the document!

Release 2.16.4

Note: 2.16.1 and 2.16.3 not released.
Note: New numbering system Major (2), Year (16), Month (4)
Note: If you have custom forms defined in IQX, not all new features may be available to you. Note: Builds now separated into exe and wpk. Where the fix is in both please insert into both tables.

Build BugTrack Feature / Change Dev Date
1#819204 Colours - PDF IssueJMB25/03/16
1#819188 Enable eurekalog exception JMB14/03/16
1#819140 vacancy→rates cost calc changes JMB14/03/16
1#819185 Windows 10 case sensitive retrieving email recipients.JMB14/03/16
1#819182 Alternative top right view on vacancy.SRB14/03/16
1#819064 Temp field in placement and employment cannot be null.SRB14/03/16
1#819177 Timesheet image display after unlinking.JMB10/03/16
1#819156 Spellcheck now on Contactevents.JMB09/03/16
1#819064 Temp field in vacancy cannot be null. Tempdeskid cannot be null for temp vacancy.SRB03/03/16
1#819121 Audit changes to department registration.SRB02/03/16
1#666424 Prevent Search records existing where both temp and permanent are zero.SRB02/03/16
1#819165 Export XLS files (jobrunner) with Landscape Orientation.JMB29/02/16
1#819164 Timesheets. Adding shifts where one ended midnight and other doesn't caused an error.SRB29/02/16
1#819163 Batch Invoicing timesheets. Fix for error when client has theirref required on invoice on.SRB25/02/16
1#819162 Person-based TS Image Linking. Prevent changing image without completing timesheet. SRB25/02/16
1#819161 Standardise Accord payslip viewing, add date filterSRB25/02/16
1#819151 Temp Desk, Contract View, Placements, right clicking on day goes out of kilter if custom column activatedJMB18/02/16
1#819150 Broadbean Global Tables and viewJMB15/02/16
1#819133 IQX licences checkJMB11/02/16
1#819145 Person→Webreference - Send reference requests from multiple brands JMB08/02/16
1#819143 Person→online web reference, spurious errorJMB05/02/16
1#819135 shift confirmation email/sms (no branding)JMB01/02/16
1#819132 Graphics not displaying when outputting xls files (jobrunner)JMB26/01/16
Build BugTrack Feature / Change Dev Date
1#819182 Alternative top right view on vacancy.SRB14/03/16
1#819180 Add link to Branch set-up pointing out that there may be setting needed in General Settings, Branch.SRB14/03/16
1#819179 Add GenerateWebDialURL() and CustomSMSHTTPRequest() to Maint, Database Functions.SRB14/03/16
1#819178 Notes for General Settings, Email/Telephony, 290 changed.SRB14/03/16
1#819097 Notes for General Settings, Settings, 1810 changed.SRB02/03/16
1#819166 Batch invoice complete function renamed and shown when Extra TS Grouping on Invoice is on without batch invoice management group.SRB01/03/16
1#819160 General Settings, Settings, 1980 “Make Registration Number Readonly” will make registration number read only.SRB29/02/16
1#819161 Standardise Accord payslip viewing, add date filter.SRB25/02/16
1#819159 Person payroll validation checks on Pay Freq/Method & Tax MethodJMB19/02/16
1#819149 New Web Reference SwitchesJMB11/02/16
1#819147 Additional Columns appearing on Company Selector JMB10/02/16
1#819145 Person→Webreference - Send reference requests from multiple brands JMB08/02/16
1#819138 Company contact view, switch to default show temp visibleJMB03/02/16
1#819139 company→contact change font dependant on person state colourJMB03/02/16
1#819134 Add payroll postcode to employment periods viewSRB28/01/16

  • newreleases/release_2.16.4_table.1459246767.txt.gz
  • Last modified: 2017/11/16 22:07
  • (external edit)