
This is an old revision of the document!


Input: null
Returns: JSON : fields
URL: /api/jobs/fields


Input: string : VacancyID
Returns: JSON : Vacancy Details
URL: /api/jobs/view/{VACANCYID}

Input: string : queryString
Returns JSON : Search Results
URL: /api/jobs/jobs?

Return all jobs that contain a text string of test


As you can fetch the job fields, you can also search on those, in my example I have a field called V_LOC which contains the location of a vacancy


This would return all vacancies that have “Edinburgh” in their V_LOC field that matches the text string “Programmer”

To return all vacancies - don't send any query strings


There is a fully working example of the APIs with source code on the “examples” tab above.

Use this widget to embed a search form onto your own website.

First, copy and paste the below code where you would like the search form to be

col-md-* is used as an example for bootstrap websites, your website may use a different grid system or a different column class.

		/* if debugging set this to BLOCK */
		#jobsearch, .advanced-field-element{
			padding: 12px;
			margin: 6px 0 4px;
			border: 1px solid #ccc;
			background: #fafafa;
			font-family: sans-serif;
			font-size: 12px;
			line-height: normal;
			box-sizing: border-box;
			border-radius: 2px;	
		#searchButton, .applyButton{
			display: inline-block;
			width: auto;
			height: auto;
			padding: 0.3em 2.5em;
			border-width: 0;
			text-align: center;
			cursor: pointer;
			outline: none;
			-webkit-appearance: none;
			-moz-appearance: none;
			appearance: none;
		.jobTable {
		    font-family: "Trebuchet MS", Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;
		    border-collapse: collapse;
		    width: 100%;

		.jobTable td, .jobTable th {
		    border: 1px solid #ddd;
		    padding: 8px;

		.jobTable tr:nth-child(even){
			background-color: #f2f2f2;

		.jobTable tr:hover {
			background-color: #ddd;

		.jobTable th {
		    padding-top: 12px;
		    padding-bottom: 12px;
		    text-align: left;
		    background-color: #6900a2;
		    color: white;
			background-color: #eee;
		    padding: 10px;
		    border-radius: 5px;
		    border: 1px solid #ccc;
		.modal {
		    display: none;
		    position: fixed;
		    z-index: 9999999999999;
		    left: 0;
		    top: 0;
		    width: 100%;
		    height: 100%;
		    overflow: auto;
		    background-color: rgb(0,0,0);
		    background-color: rgba(0,0,0,0.4);

		.modal-content {
		    background-color: #fefefe;
		    margin: 2% auto;
		    padding: 20px;
		    border: 1px solid #888;
		    width: 80%;

		.close {
		    color: #aaa;
		    float: right;
		    font-size: 28px;
		    font-weight: bold;

		.close:focus {
		    color: black;
		    text-decoration: none;
		    cursor: pointer;
		.info, .success, .warning, .error, .validation {
			border: 1px solid;
			margin: 10px 0px;
			padding:15px 10px 15px 50px;
			background-repeat: no-repeat;
			background-position: 10px center;
		.info {
			color: #00529B;
			background-color: #BDE5F8;
		.success {
			color: #4F8A10;
			background-color: #DFF2BF;
		.warning {
			color: #9F6000;
			background-color: #FEEFB3;
		.error {
			color: #D8000C;
			background-color: #FFBABA;
			text-align: center!important;
		.dataTables_wrapper .odd, .dataTables_wrapper .even{
		#DsimpleSearch, #dadvancedSearch{
			text-align: center;
		.modalButtons, #modalButtons{

	<div class="col-md-4">
		<div class="row">
			<div id="DsimpleSearch">
				<h2>Simple Search</h2>
				<form action="#" method="get" id="simpleSearch" onSubmit="doBasicSearch();return false;">
					<input type="text" id="jobsearch" name="jobsearch" class="field-element field-control" placeholder="Search for Jobs">
					<button name="searchButton" onClick="doBasicSearch();return false;" id="searchButton" class="btn btn-primary">Search</button>
						<a href="#" onClick="showAdvancedSearch(); return false;">Advanced Search</a>

			<div id="dadvancedSearch">
				<h2>Advanced Search</h2>
				<form action="#" method="get" id="advancedSearch" onSubmit="doAdvancedSearch();return false;" >
					<label for='$text'>Keyword</label>
					<input type='text' id='$text' name='$text' class='form-control' placeholder='Keyword(s)'>
					<br />
					<div id="advancedFields">
						<!-- Fields auto generated here -->
					<button name='searchButton' onClick='doAdvancedSearch();return false;' id='searchButton' class='btn btn-primary'>Advanced Search</button>
						<a href="#" onClick="showSimpleSearch(); return false;">Simple Search</a>

	<div class="col-md-8">
		<div id="jobsFeedback"></div>
		<table id="jobTable" class="jobTable table table-responsive">
			      <th>Job Type</th>
			      <th>Start Date</th>
			<tbody id="jobTableBody">
		<div id="debugBlock">
			<h1>Response from Server</h1>
			<pre id="searchResults" class="codeBlock">{ }</pre>		

	<div id="jobModal" class="modal">
	  <div class="modal-content">
	    <span class="close" onClick="closeDialog();return false;">&times;</span>
	    <div id="modalMainContent">
	    	Loading ...
	    <div id="modalButtons">
	    <div class="clearfix">&nbsp;</div>

Then copy and paste the following in the footer of your website.

Replace YOURWEBSITE-HERE with the full domain (or subdomain) where IQXWeb is installed, remember to keep the prepending / / and ending /

	<link rel="stylesheet" href="//">
	<script src="//"></script>
	<script src="//"></script>
		* Change this URL to point to the domain/subdomain of where IQXWeb is hosted.
		var searchURL="//YOURWEBSITE-HERE/";

		* Init the data table 
		var table = $('#jobTable').DataTable({
			"paging": true,
			"ordering": true,
			"info": true,
			"searching": false,
			"fixedHeader": false,
			"order": [[ 3, "desc" ]],
			"columnDefs": [{
				"visible": false
				"visible": false

		/* doBasicSearch
		 @input: null
		 @returns: null
		 @desc: This will trigger the basic search, jQuery will fetch the input
		function doBasicSearch() {
			if ($('#jobsearch').val() == "") {
			} else {
				var searchTerm = "$text="+$('#jobsearch').val();

		/* doAdvancedSearch
		 @input: null
		 @returns: null
		 @desc: This will trigger the advanced search, jQuery will serialize the advanced search form 
		function doAdvancedSearch(){
			var q = $( "#advancedSearch :input").filter(function () {
			        return !!this.value;

		/* getFields
		 @input: null
		 @returns: null
		 @desc: This will fetch the advanced search form fields and pass them to generateField()
		function getFields() {
			$.getJSON( searchURL+"api/jobs/fields", function( data ) {
				$.each( data.IQXResult.Row, function( index, value ){

		/* getSingleJob
		 @input: single job vacancyID
		 @returns: null
		 @desc: This will fetch a single job and output it to a modal
		function getSingleJob(vacID){
			$.getJSON( searchURL+"api/jobs/view/"+vacID, function( data ) {
				delete data.IQXResult.Row[0]._id

				var table="<table class='jobTable'><tr><th>&nbsp;</th><th>&nbsp;</th></tr>";
				$.each( data.IQXResult.Row[0], function( index, value ){
					if (index.startsWith("Q_") || index.startsWith("XQ_") || index.startsWith("vacancyid")) {
						// Do Nothing
					} else {
						table=table+"<tr><td>"+toTitleCase(index)+"</td><td>"+value.replace(/(?:\r\n|\r|\n)/g, '<br />')+"</td></tr>";
				$('#modalMainContent').html( table );
				$('#modalButtons').html("<a href='"+searchURL+"#/jobsearch/results?viewjob="+vacID+"' id='applyLink' class='button sqs-system-button sqs-editable-button'>Apply</a>&nbsp;<button name='closeButton' onClick='closeDialog();return false;' id='closeButton' class='button sqs-system-button sqs-editable-button'>Close</button>")

		/* search
		 @input: query string, noscroll
		 @returns: null
		 @desc: This will send a request to the API job search and pass the results to drawTable(i) you can pass an optional noscroll=true to stop the page scrolling to the results table.
		function search(q, noscroll){
			noscroll = noscroll || false
			$('#jobsFeedback').html("<center><strong>Loading ...</strong></center>");
			$.getJSON( searchURL+"api/jobs/jobs?"+q, function( data ) {
				$('#searchResults').html( JSON.stringify(data, null, "\t") );
				if (data.IQXResult.IQXFailure) {
					$('#jobsFeedback').html("<div class='error'>There was an error processing your request.<br />Please try the following:<ul><li>If you are using the simple search, ensure you have typed something into the box</li><li>If you are using the advanced search, ensure the required fields are not empty</li></ul></div>");
				} else {
					if (data.IQXResult.Row.length==0) {
						$('#jobsFeedback').html("<div class='info'>Your search returned 0 jobs.</div>");
					} else {
						if (noscroll == false) {

		/* getJobsOfTheDay
		 @input: null
		 @returns: Jobs of the Day
		 @desc: This will trigger the search API with a request to return all jobs with tag "Job of the Day"
		function getJobsOfTheDay(){
			var q="jobtype=All&department=All&Q_V_JOD=Job%20of%20the%20day"
			return search(q, true)

		/* resetTable
		 @input: null
		 @returns: null
		 @desc: This will empty the job search table
		function resetTable(){

		/* drawTable
		 @input: data
		 @returns: null
		 @desc: This will prepare each row for generation
		function drawTable(data) {
		    for (var i = 0; i < data.length; i++) {

		/* drawRow
		 @input: rowData
		 @returns: null
		 @desc: This will generate each table row and output the html
		function drawRow(rowData) {
				[ rowData.position, rowData.jobtype, rowData.branch, changeDateFormat(rowData.startdate), rowData.vacancyid ] )

		/* changeDateFormat
		 @input: date
		 @returns: date
		 @desc: This will take a date in format of yyyy-mm-dd and convert it to dd/mm/yyyy
		function changeDateFormat(oDate){
			var dateAr = oDate.split('-');
			var newDate = dateAr[2] + '/' + dateAr[1] + '/' + dateAr[0];
			return newDate; // returns dd/mm/yyyy

		/* generateField
		 @input: fieldData
		 @returns: null
		 @desc: This will generate form fields based on the data type
		function generateField(fieldData){
			if ( {
				switch(fieldData.type) {
					case "string":
					    $('#advancedFields').append("<label for='""'>"+fieldData.caption+"</label><br><input type='text' id='""' name='""' class='advanced-field-element field-control' placeholder='"+fieldData.caption+"'><br />");
					case "select":
						var selectBox="<label for='""'>"+fieldData.caption+"</label><br><select id='""' name='""' class='advanced-field-element field-control' placeholder='"+fieldData.caption+"'>";
						selectBox=selectBox+"<option value='' selected>Select Filter</option>";
						$.each( fieldData.choices, function( index, value ){
						    selectBox=selectBox+"<option value='"+value+"'>"+value+"</option>";
						selectBox=selectBox+"</select><br />";
					case "date":
						$('#advancedFields').append("<label for='""'>"+fieldData.caption+"</label><br><input type='date' id='""' name='""' class='advanced-field-element field-control' placeholder='"+fieldData.caption+"'><br />");

					case "multiselect":
						var selectBox="<label for='""'>"+fieldData.caption+"</label><br><select multiple id='""' name='""' class='advanced-field-element field-control' placeholder='"+fieldData.caption+"'>";
						$.each( fieldData.choices, function( index, value ){
						    selectBox=selectBox+"<option value='"+value+"'>"+value+"</option>";
					    $('#advancedFields').append("<label for='""'>"+fieldData.caption+"</label><br><input type='text' id='""' name='""' class='advanced-field-element field-control' placeholder='"+fieldData.caption+"'/><br />");

		/* gotoResults
		 @input: null
		 @returns: null
		 @desc: This will animate the scroll down to the results table.
		function gotoResults(){
			$("html, body").animate({ scrollTop: $('#jobTable_wrapper').offset().top }, 1000);

		/* viewJobDetails
		 @input: vacancyid
		 @returns: null
		 @desc: this will open the modal window and pass the job's vacancyid to getSingleJob()
		function viewJobDetails(vacancyid){
			var modal = document.getElementById('jobModal'); = "block";

		/* closeDialog
		 @input: null
		 @returns: null
		 @desc: This will close and empty the modal window
		function closeDialog(){
			var modal = document.getElementById('jobModal'); = "none";

		/* toTitleCase
		 @input: str
		 @returns: null
		 @desc: This will change the passed str to camel case.
		function toTitleCase(str){
			if (str=="startdate") {
				str="Start Date";
			if (str=="jobtype") {
				str="Job Type"
			if (str=="contactname") {
				str="Contact Name"
			if (str=="contactemail") {
				str="Contact Email"
		    return str.replace(/\w\S*/g, function(txt){return txt.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + txt.substr(1).toLowerCase();});

		/* showSimpleSearch
		 @input: null
		 @returns: null
		 @desc: This will hide the advanced search and show the simple search.
		function showSimpleSearch(){

		/* showAdvancedSearch
		 @input: null
		 @returns: null
		 @desc: This will hide the simple search and show the advanced search
		function showAdvancedSearch(){

		 * This is used when a row in the table has been clicked on.
		$('.dataTable').on('click', 'tbody tr', function() {
			var vacID=table.row(this).data();

		 * Init job search.

You need to be logged in to see the demo

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  • iqxweb/jobsearchapi.1561549610.txt.gz
  • Last modified: 2019/06/26 11:46
  • by euan