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IQXWeb Analytics

The IQXWeb Analytics system produces graphical visualizations of data. On the IQX Analytics page of the Consultant portal there is a Customise button at the bottom which takes you to the maintenance page where you can add and edit charts. There are two types of chart: Performance Charts and Analysis Charts.

Performance Charts are line graphs of date based data, with the date plotted along the X axis. Each statistic plots as a line (unless you use Split - see below). You can select one or more Statistics from one or more tables.

You can also change the table's Date if there is more than one available (e.g. Vacancy Start Date and Entry Date).

At the bottom you can change the chart's date range and rounding system. E.g you will typically want to group shifts by week or month for the data to be meaningful.

You can use the Split option to split a statistic into multiple lines e.g by Temp Desk or Division.

You can use the Filter option to restrict the graph to a selection of the overall data. Data is automatically filtered by the Division access rules of the logged in consultant.

When you Execute the chart, you can change the Chart Height from the default Auto option. You need to experiment with what works best for your data.

Analysis Charts split the data by some item such as Department, Temp Desk, Division, Consultant, Post Code, Country etc. You select this item in the Analyse by section at the top.

You then select Statistics to graph. The Statistics you are offered will depend on your Analyse by. E.g. you cannot analyse Person or Company stats if analysing by Vacancy Status. However some analysis items are 'common'. E.g. if you select Person Postcode Area it will offer you Company stats as well as Person stats because it understands that Postcodes have the same meaning for both.

You can use the Split option to further split the analysis.

You can use the Filter option to restrict the graph to a selection of the overall data. Data is automatically filtered by the Division access rules of the logged in consultant.

When you Execute the chart, you can change the Chart Height from the default Auto option and also the Chart Type. You need to experiment with what works best for your data e.g. if there is a large number of items in your analysis you will probably want to use Horizontal Bar and increase the height.

Clicking on a bar or a point on a chart will allow you to 'drill down' into a List of the underlying data.

You can also specify one or more previously defined charts which appear on the pop-up menu. They will be run in a pop-up window and will be pre-filtered based on the location which you clicked. E.g. you can click on a Department bar and effectively graph the contents of that bar into an Analysis by Consultant or a Performance chart of Timesheets. It is up to you to select Drilldowns which have a data relationship with the calling chart or you may get errors.

Clicking on a point on a Performance chart and drilling down into another performance chart will filter by date and also adjust the date rounding to the next smaller granularity. E.g. you can have a chart of Timesheets by Month and drill down to the SAME chart which will automatically graph the month's Timesheets by Week.

If you want other consultants to have access to your charts, tick the Shared checkbox. You will be asked for an Access Level which ties in with the consultant's Report View Level. They will see your chart on their list and be able to view it and make their own editable copy. When they view it, it will obey their Division rights, not yours.

Ticking Dashboard will make the chart appear automatically on your IQX Analytics page.

Ticking Home Page will make a cut down version of the chart appear on your home page. Performance Charts will be rendered as Sparklines, displaying only the first statistic and with no splits. Analysis Charts will be rendered as Piecharts, again showing only the first statistic.

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  • iqxweb/help/dashboard.1561476228.txt.gz
  • Last modified: 2019/06/25 15:23
  • by euan