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iqxWEB Version 1.4.0 Release Notes

Due to the significant changes introduced in iqxWEB v1.4.0, it is necessary when updating to this version to follow the How to Update to iqxWEB 1.4 guide.

Minimum IQX.exe Version: 2.19.2.x

Minimum IQX WPK Version:

New fully customisable registration wizard.

For documentation see iqxWEB Custom Candidate Registration Wizard.

Our tests show that iqxWEB 1.4.0 is now up to 10 times faster than previous versions of iqxWEB.

This massive performance improvement has been achieved by:

  • Loading large resources only when they are required.
  • HTTP2 Support.
  • Removal of duplicated/unused code.
  • Optimisation of code.

The configuration inside config.js and config-browser can now be edited from IQX.

For documentation see Configuration

The iqxWEB portal can now be put into maintenance mode. This will display a notification to users on the portal and redirects anyone else who tries to access the portal to a splash screen.

For documentation see How to use Maintenance Mode.

  • Candidate > Bank Details - when adding the IQX setting for Tax Method default is use to fill pay_employee details.
  • Client > Current Requirements > Add Shifts - clone row button now disabled if row is not valid instead of showing error message when button is clicked.
  • Client > Current Requirements - Added list of shifts that have been added session.
  • Client > Previous Temps - Status column can now be hidden with a switch.
  • Timesheets - Updated formatting of timesheet headings.
  • Timesheets - Updated terminology:
    • “Client” replaced with “Company”.
    • “Gross Pay” replaced with “Total”.
  • Current Timesheet - Contract Shifts can now be duplicated on.
  • Client > Timesheets for Authorisation - Added total hours and total charge column.
  • Owner > Favourites - Page styling updated.
  • Owner > Diary > Add Event - Dialogue now fills screen.
  • Cookies message added to login screen.
  • Added option to discard edits when navigating away from a form which is in edit mode.
  • Added no results messages.
  • Updated opt into marketing checkbox styling.
  • Removed extra padding so that more of the screen space is used on mobile.
  • Password reset page no longer returns error if email is not found to increase security.
  • Spelling mistakes fixed.
  • Icons overlap on candidate current timesheets page.
  • Timesheets - Date formatting.
  • Timesheet - Image upload error.
  • Client > Current Requirements - Position field displays “, ,” if tempshiftplan is left empty.
  • Client > Current Requirements - Identification of contract or shift.
  • Client > Current Requirements - Contract temp vacancies do not show.
  • Client > Current Requirements - Refresh Icon not rendered.
  • Client > Current Requirements - Hover effect on table rows but you can't click on them.
  • Client > Current Requirements > Add Shifts - Clicking duplicate on a row without a date creates a row with the date set as the current date.
  • Client > Previous Temps - Number per page does not display properly on mobile.
  • Registration Wizard - Internal error displayed if user who is already registered tries to use wizard.
  • Procedure missing from Non-Authenticated Procedures list.
  • On mobile if you open/close sidebar menu the icon to toggle it remains focused making it look greyed out.
  • Auto rotate does not work on mobile if web app has been added to home screen.
  • Bug/feedback reporter text area covered by on screen keyboard.
  • Logout menu overlay does not cover navigation menu.

Back to changelog

  • iqxweb/changelog/v1.4.0.1562076949.txt.gz
  • Last modified: 2019/07/02 14:15
  • by euan