
This is an old revision of the document!


  • ID Can be up to 20 Characters long. The default signature is called DEFAULT
  • Signature Double click on the signature field to edit

The following data fields may be inserted inside curly brackets {{}

{{U_name}User Name
{{U_title}User Title
{{U_emailaddress}User Email address
{{U_QuestionID}For using data from the Consultant Questionnaire with specified Question ID
{{S_name}User's Department name
{{D_name}User's Division name
{{B_name}User's Branch name
{{B_1}Contents of Branch Address Etc 1
{{B_2} etc.Contents of Branch Address Etc 2, etc.
{{H_x}x is text that will appear only in HTML signatures - use for formatting markup e.g.{{H_<B>}Bold face text{{H_</B>}
{{I_SID}To include the contents of another Signature with ID 'SID'
The included ID may contain substitutable tokens:
#U=the user's login name
#S=user's Department ID
#D=user's Division name
#B=user's Branch name
#H=HTML if creating signature for HTML, otherwise = TEXT
e.g. {{I_DIVSIG_#B} will include signature DIVSIG_LONDON or DIVSIG_BRISTOL according to the user's branch name
{{P_FN}FN is a picture filename which is used to put an image into an HTML signature.
Obeys same # tokens as above. The file should be in the Reports folder. If the file does not exist, it is ignored.
If you need detailed control of the HTML then use {{F_FN} e.g. <img width=293 height=146 src=“{{F_#B.jpg}”>.

Plain text is also used for static text.

Example Produces
{{U_name}Fred Bloggs
{{U_title}Marketing Manager
Direct Line: {{U_DL}Direct Line: 0207 7824334
{{B_2}16 The Hill
{{P_#D.jpg}Inserts a division logo, with a jpg filename based on the division name.
* * * * * ** * * * * *
Blah {{D_name} BlahBlah Administration Blah
{{I_OTHER_#S}Contents of Signature with ID 'OTHER_MARKETING'

Setting up html email.

Html can be set up using html commands – it is not as simple to set up as in Outlook, and requires an understanding of what html is.

1. Maintenance, Email Signatures – a new signature needs to be added called HTML_WRAP and the following be added to the Signature part. This says that all emails are to be wrapped in an html format – in this case, ensuring the text is in Arial and that the signature is also formatted.




This code will appear in the grey box when sending an email but is code being passed to Outlook in order to make the email formatted, not part of the final text.

Then further raw html code needs to be added to the existing SENDERINFO signature, to add colour, bold, pictures and links to websites. This example is making the user name BOLD, the website address is getting a hyperlink and given a colour, and a jpg is being added, again with a hyperlink.

{H_<B>}{U_name}{H_</B>} {U_title} IQX


<a href=“http://www.iqx.co.uk”>{H_<FONT COLOR= “#FF8000”>}www.iqx.co.uk{H_</FONT COLOR=“#FF8000”>}</a>

<a href=“http://www.iqx.co.uk”><img width=235 src=“{F_IQXSignatureLogo.jpg}”/></a>

Any pictures/images that are to be used MUST exist in the reports directory in order to be picked up. Images must NOT have spaces in the name. They can be named to connect to a division, department or User.

  • hat_25.1563897094.txt.gz
  • Last modified: 2019/07/23 15:51
  • by Shelley Hunter