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IQX CV Searching using Internal Db Text Indexes (SQL Anywhere 11+)

Searching the CV using the text index is much faster than using the previous indexing services.

Efficient CV searching - example 1

Tips on Text Index Server Searching


Using 'AND' will look for instances of both words:

  Java AND Delphi    


There is also 'NEAR' which will look for two words near each other:

  Java NEAR Delphi    
  "Java Developer" NEAR "Delphi Developer"    


There is also 'BEFORE' which will look for a word which is before another word. 'BEFORE' uses two distances, a minimum (default 1) and a maximum (default 10) which are the distances (in words) between the two words to be searched for:

  Java BEFORE Developer
  Java BEFORE [1,10] Developer

both will give a result if 'Developer' is between 1 and 10 words after 'Java'

  Java BEFORE [4,20] Developer

will give a result if 'Developer' is between 4 and 20 words after 'Java'


Java AND NOT Delphi means that Java must be found but there must be no instance of Delphi. (You can also use '-' instead of the words 'AND NOT').

  Java AND NOT Delphi     
  Java -Delphi


Java OR Delphi means that either Java or Delphi must be found.

  Java OR Delphi     

multi word phrase to search for a multi-word phrase use double quotes

  "java developer"     
  "java developer" AND "delphi developer"    

The wildcard character (*) can match words with a given prefix.


matches the terms “ESC” “Esc.” “escape” “escapade” and so on.

Further tips
You can add parentheses to nest expressions within a query. The expressions in parentheses are evaluated before the rest of the query.

Use double quotes (“) to indicate that a Boolean or NEAR operator keyword should be ignored in your query. For example, “Abbott and Costello” will match pages with the phrase, not pages that match the Boolean expression. In addition to being an operator, the word and is a noise word in English.

To use specially treated characters such as &, |, ^, #, @, $, (, ), in a query, enclose your query in quotation marks (“).

Go to SAP Search Help for more information (external link)

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  • cvsearchingtextindex.1460044360.txt.gz
  • Last modified: 2017/11/16 21:56
  • (external edit)