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Wildcards for searching for records

% Find all records %International finds all records that have something before International in their name.
International% finds all records that have something after International in their name.
? Finds a single unknown character SM?THJ finds John Smith, James Smith, John Smyth and Jane Smith.
* Finds one or more unknown character(s) SM*THJ finds John Smith, James Smith, John Smyth, Jane Smith and Jane Smeath
Enter * on its own to display all the items in the database
[…]The area within a set of square brackets represents one character. The database matches anything within the square brackets NE1[ ] looks for postcode NE1 only and not NE11 or NE12 because the 4th character must be a space.
NE1[12] looks for postcodes NE11 and NE12 because the 4th character must either be a 1 or a 2.
This can be very useful for controlled postcode lookup.

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  • 9_wildcards_for_searching.1364915435.txt.gz
  • Last modified: 2017/11/16 21:55
  • (external edit)