Shift Confirmations

How to confirm shifts

Standard Method
For a group of shifts - On either the Temp Desk or the Vacancies Diary view – click the Confirm button.

With Notifications Set Up

The Notification system provides a mechanism for clients, candidates and secondary agencies to be notified of key events relating to vacancies, placements and shifts by means of HTML email and SMS text.

Notifications can be sent automatically on booking a shift, after selecting your temps when you press the finish button a new window will open with the confirmations in them; one for the Client confirmations and one for the Temp confirmations.

You can press Send All and send the confirmations as they are or you can make changes to individual notifications and then send those. (Note if you make changes to the notification but don’t send it these changes will be lost when you move on to the next one.)

If you try and close the window and you haven’t sent all of the notifications you will receive this warning message:

Once all notifications have been sent the window will automatically close. The process can then be repeated for the next vacancy.

Alternatively you can send confirmations from the Vacancy tab of the Temp Desk. Open the temp desk and on the vacancies tab ensure the correct vacancy is selected (click on the vacancy line and the black arrow will be pointing at the selected vacancy). Press the ‘Confirm Shifts’ button.

If no shifts appear press the include confirmed button (some shift types are set up so that the client or the temp does not need to confirm them). You will see a list of shifts for that week (the date is shown at the top left of this screen. If you wish to confirm shifts for more than 1 week change the number of weeks in the Week(s) field).

If the shifts that you want to send a notification for have already been ticked as Client Confirmed or Temp Confirmed either untick the box and retick or press the None button above the column then Select All if you want to send for all. This will tick the corresponding box in the Notify Client or Notify Temp column.

If a notification has already been sent for this shift then the background of the Client Confirmed or Temp Confirmed will be coloured the same colour as the Temp Desk. Notifications can be resent by unticking and re-ticking.

When you press Save and Close a new window will open with the confirmations in them; one for the Client confirmations and one for the Temp confirmations. The process for sending is the same as above.

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