Edit a report

refers to:
person selector → reports tab
desktop form → reports tab
vacancies form → reports tab
temp desk form → reports tab
progress form → reports tab
placements form → reports tab
contact events form → reports tab

Occasionaly a report requires editing, this section deals with simple tweaking.
You can print out, or view a list of currently installed reports, by clicking on the IQX desk, click on the Select tab, scroll down to Miscellaneous reports, click and highlight 'Installed reports', click Open.
This gives a list of reports for each slector screen, and also shows if a Report Selection box has been applied or not.

WARNING - Do not attempt to make changes if you are unsure of the consequences. - Contact IQX Support !

From time to time a report might need to be altered, i.e. the ordering requires changing, or the grouping is wrong.
In this instance a degree of SQL language and some knowledge of the tables within IQX might be beneficial in order to make the required changes.

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