Add a New Candidate

Refers to:
People (Top menu)

To add a new candidate to IQX:

Keystroke Use
Tab or Return Moves you through the questions, expanding each level
Up and Down arrows Moves you through the questions without expanding levels.
Left and Right arrows Collapses or expands a level, unless it is a text field
Space Bar Ticks or Clears a check box (tick box)
Alt + Down arrow Opens a drop down selection. Enter Selects
Alt + Up arrow Goes to top of questionnaire
Ctrl + character In a long list, this takes you to the next word that starts with that character

Note: You cannot edit the lines that are in grey, as they are generated from items entered in the expanded group of fields.

The information that you are asked for depends on what has been requested by your company, but should include some or all of the following:

Name This will generated from the names that you enter in the Surname and Forenames fields.
Surname The candidate’s surname.
ForenamesThe candidate’s forenames.
Full NameThis is generated from the names that you enter.
SalutationThis is generated from the names that you enter.It is used for letters and e-mails, i.e. Dear <Salutation>, not the candidate’s title.
Keyname This is generated from the names that you enter.You can edit this to reflect the way that the company works, e.g. put in spaces.
State Select an item from the drop down list.The default is Current, and you should not normally need to change this.
ConsultantYou can change this by selecting another name from the drop down list.
RegisteredThis is set to today’s date.
Number This is the candidate’s number that is generated by IQX. Initially it is empty.

Candidate record registration numbers can be made read only and will be displayed in grey.
Date This is set to today’s date.
Personal This is generated from the options you choose in the expanded fields.
Gender Select Male or Female from the drop down list.
Date of BirthThe candidate’s date of birth.
Home PhoneThe candidate’s home phone number.
Mobile PhoneThe candidate’s mobile phone number. (2.20.2+) This field can be made a required field.
E-mail The candidate’s e-mail address. (2.20.2+) This field can be made a required field.
Address This is generated from the entries you make in the expanded fields.
Address First line of candidate’s address. (2.20.2+) This field and Town can be made required fields.
Town Name of town.
County Name of county.
Country Name of country.
Postcode Postcode. You must enter this. (2.20.2+) This field can be made a required field.
Last UpdatedThe date that this candidate’s details were last updated. When you first add a new candidate this field remains empty.

When you have entered all the information, click on the Next button.
You now need to complete the General Questionnaire. Click on the + button to expand a section and enter the relevant details. The information that you are asked for depends on what has been requested by your agency. For example, you may be asked for information on language skills, driving ability, nationality, visa expiry date, education and professional qualifications. When you have entered all the information, click on the Next button.

Note: The departments listed are those that have been set up for your agency. On this screen, select the relevant department for the candidate, and then click on the Next button.

Click on the Permanent or Temp box to indicate the type of work that the candidate requires, and then click on the Next button. Caution: You must tick at least one of these boxes. If you leave them both blank, then the candidate is not registered with the department. You can register the candidate with one or more Temp Desks by ticking the boxes in the Pool column. When you have selected the relevant Temp Desks, click on the Next button.

You now need to complete the department questionnaire. The questions that you see depend on the department that you chose. If the majority of the questions are not relevant for your candidate, you may have selected the wrong department. You can use the Back button to go back and change the department.

To complete the questionnaire:

You should then see a screen that displays the candidate’s details.

At the top of this screen there are some buttons that you use as follows:

Button Function
Reports Run any of the person selector reports for the current candidate.
Register Open the wizard to register or update the candidate with departments. You can only register a candidate with a department using the Register button.
Search Open the wizard to look for a suitable vacancy for the current candidate.
Delete Delete a record if there are no links such as Contact Events or Progress. To effectively remove a person but retain them for history, you should change their state to Deleted/Archived.
Help Open the help page with guidance on the fields on this screen.

You can view different information by clicking on an option on the left side of the screen.

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