Table of Contents

PIV2 Configuration Guide



This setup guide is for Systems Administrators of IQX Enterprise It is important to identify at an early stage who is going to be the Systems Administrator. This job entails maintaining the database, managing users, implementing backups and upgrades, and fine tuning the configuration. They will probably also be responsible for training future new users and it is essential that they develop a good understanding of the program and the configuration.


To use this guide, you need to have a good understanding of Microsoft Windows, the Agency network, and have administrator rights to IQX Enterprise.


For the best use to be made of IQX Enterprise careful thought will have gone into the configuration and maintenance of the underlying structure. This setup guide will take you through the initial decisions to be made and procedures for configuring and thereafter maintaining IQX Enterprise. Configuration is maintained through the Maintenance Menu and Accounts Menu, by the System Administrator.

How to use it

Before you first install IQX Enterprise you should read this setup guide and decide on how the configuration should be set up for your agency. Once installed, follow all the procedures to ensure that IQX Enterprise is fully prepared for your users. You will be trained and assisted by the IQX installation team. Once the system is configured you may need to perform various tasks that are documented in the Maintenance section

The following is a list of documents relating to IQX Enterprise. You may need to refer to them in some circumstances.

1 Agency Setup

1.1 Branches

Branches represent the different physical locations of the Agency. All the locations of the Agency will have to be entered. (There must be at least one branch.) Each user belongs to a default branch. The Report Directory holds the location of report templates on the local network. The Reports Directory path to be used in each Branch must be entered in this format:


Documents and Reports can be restricted to a branch. For initial configuration consider how many branches are needed.

To create a Branch

Each Branch has a Name, a Report Directory entry, can have an Analysis code (to be used according to requirements), a Currency (if a multi currency agency) and six Address Etc fields (so that different formats of a branch address can be used as required). Double click on a cell to enter/edit data. The address to be used in automatic E-mail signatures should be entered in Address Etc. 2 if the default is used.

1.2 Divisions

Divisions represent the different areas of company strategy and visibility within the Agency. In IQX v2 Divisions can be hidden from view, with User permissions governing who sees which divisions. If divisions are to be restricted there should be an associated branch with each division. Each User belongs to a default division. All the Divisions used by the Agency must be entered. New ones can be added in the future. There must be at least one Division. For initial configuration consider how many divisions are needed. Also should a strategy be devised for which users see all or only some divisions.

To create a Division

Each Division has a unique Name and can have an Analysis code (to be used according to requirements). If visibility is to be restricted to records for one department in one branch then there should be a matching division and branch for every occurrence.

1.3 Departments

Departments refer to an area of expertise or skills area in type of vacancies, such as Education, IT, Commercial, Industrial, Catering. Each User belongs to a primary default department but can also work with other departments. Vacancies are connected to a Department, that is Searchable (has specific criteria about the specialization which can be searched). Non-searchable departments are for grouping users such as accounts or payroll staff. Candidates can be registered to many searchable departments, although normally only to one. Consider what areas of expertise in your agency need Departments.

To create a Department

Each Department must have a 2-letter unique ID code and a Name. If a Department is ticked as Searchable than vacancies and candidates can be connected to it. Each searchable department has it's own criteria questionnaires to be set up for Applicants and Vacancies. The Applicant Questionnaire is for questions about an Applicant in relation to the department – specialist skills, previous job titles, experience in related skills. The Vacancy Questionnaire is for what Vacancies in this Department might require or offer – specialist skills, benefits. These will be discussed in greater depth in the Questionnaire section. For initial configuration consider how many departments are needed and what specific criteria you will need to use.

1.4 Document Templates

To make standard Letter and Fax writing simpler, and to ensure a Company presentation standard, Templates can be set up which can automatically be filled from information held in the database. Likewise Company Templates can be set for CVs. Templates are created in Word 2000. They can be created from an empty document or an existing saved document. The menus and toolbars from Word appear on the IQX Enterprise Form. To insert the database fields into a Template go to the File menu, select the Inset Fields menu. The insert fields selection will appear. Drag the desired field onto the document; it will go to where the cursor is.

1.5 Phone Types, etc

All types of communication that will be used in making Contact Events should be defined in Phone Types, etc. Each Type is connected to either a Company, a Company Person or a Person by a tick in the Check box. Do not change the description or they will not appear on the appropriate forms. E-mail and telephony capabilities need to be entered so that they are enabled for use.

1.6 Boilerplate Text

Boilerplate Text is available as a way of inserting frequently used phrases or templates, and is available for the following:

Boilerplate text is only visible on a Tab once some has been set up.

1.7 E-mail Signatures

Emails can be automatically ended with the company email signature in plain text. It will pick up the User Details as appropriate such as name, title, email address, division, etc.. as well as text sections. Note: This should be set under the supervision of the IQX Installation staff

1.8 Contact Event Types

There is full management of Contact Events in IQX Recruitment Software. From anywhere where a Person is selected in the program a Contact Event can be made or recorded. For reporting and analysis a Type must be selected in order to make an Event.
The defaults in the database are:

The default Email Signature will be used unless an alternative is set here.

A long list of Types can be filtered by User. If character(s) are used then the User will see only the Types that contain the character in their User record and blanks.

1.9 Contact Event Outcomes

Contact Event Outcomes also help with workflow and later analysis. It is optional to select an Outcome.

An outcome can automatically set a date in the future for a reminder to appear on the Desktop – set the number of days required. The date can always be overridden.

1.10 Sources

Both Companies and Vacancies are given a primary Source, which is used for analysis of how they were acquired. There is a single list of sources in the database, which is used for both. Defaults are:

Note: For more sophisticated monitoring use the questionnaires.

1.11 Company States

There are three fixed states for organising companies:

These fixed states cannot be deleted, however the Name can be edited. A Fourth default state of Supplier is provided in the database. Add others if required. Sort Order and Grid Order organise the position of the lines in a list or grid

1.12 Person States

There are four fixed states for organising People. The State reflects what the Applicant is currently wanting – therefore if they are currently Placed but wanting to move their State can be changed to Current. Searches look for Current Applicants by default:

These fixed states cannot be deleted, however the Name can be edited. Add others as required.

1.13 Vacancy States

There are four fixed states for organising Vacancies:

These fixed states cannot be deleted, however the Name can be edited. Filled, Unfilled and Cancelled are all FINAL states – this means that any applicants on the short list for the vacancy will have their progress state changed to unsuccessful.

1.14 Progress States

The link between the Vacancy and the Applicant is the Progress Record. There are four fixed states for monitoring and applicants’ Progress:

When an applicant is successfully placed all other places they were applying for are automatically set to Placed Elsewhere. The fixed states cannot be deleted, however the Name can be edited. We suggested the following minimum are used:

1.15 Rejection Reasons

Where an applicant is not placed a rejection reason is kept. Six rejection reasons are included in the database. Edit or add others as required.

1.16 Miscellaneous Settings

2 Temp Setup

Temp Desk System

The Temp Desk system is a way to arrange work for the convenience of individual consultants. They can get at active Temp Vacancies for filling, processing and completing time sheets, in the timeframe of a week or a month. There are two ways of organising Temp vacancies; by contracts or by shifts. Contracts here the skills are of primary importance and the time frame is likely to be continuous. The vacancy is displayed as needing work until all positions are filled. Placements are made for each candidate filling a position. Timesheets are generated from the placement. Shifts: Where time matching is of primary importance and there can be varying times for each day. The vacancy is displayed with the shifts entered for each day, either unfilled or with the candidate linked. Timesheets are generated from the shifts, with placements retrospectively created from the timesheets.
Each Temp Desk must be linked to a Division for viewing permissions. The Year and Week number and the starting date of the week are configurable.

2.1 Temp Years

For Temp Year and Week numbers to appear in the Temp Desk they must be set up. There are restrictions according to what back office is connected. The Years are numbered by the year at the start of the financial year. e.g. 6/4/2004 to 5/4/2005 is called 2004. This can be changed if another method is preferred. If a candidate works in week A they will actually be paid in the next week in week B. The decision has to be made whether to link the IQX week number with the payroll week number. If yes, then in IQX call the last week of the financial year (including 5th April) Week 1 and it will correspond with the payroll week 1. If the Week 1 ends on a Sunday the days will be presented in the Temp Desks as Monday to Sunday. To present the days in a different order make the Week 1 end on what is your last day of a week. (Not available with LSM Back Office)
The Offset number controls how the months are numbered – 3 makes Month 1 April.

2.2 Temp Desks

The Temp Desk system is a way to arrange work for the convenience of individual consultants. They use a Temp Desk to get at active Temp Vacancies for filling, processing and completing time sheets, in the timeframe of a week or a month. You can create as many Temp Desks as you require to fulfil your business requirements.

Applicants can be attached to several Temp Desks to make groups of skills easy to search. Consultants can work with any Temp Desk but should have a primary attachment to one. Temp Desks can be seen in Monthly or Weekly views. For example, if you have 4 consultants all working in one department you could have:

For initial configuration consider how your consultants work – individually or in teams – and list the potential Temp Desks that will be needed. The IQX installer will also be able to advise.

To create a Temp Desk

For each Temp Desk you need to add the following:

2.3 Temp Pay Bands

The parameters for each type of pay unit must be set. They are used in specially defined Rate Schemes for Departments or Clients but can be set to appear by default on the Vacancy Rate Tab. To add a Temp Pay Band:

2.4 Temp Rate Schemes

Default Rate schemes for the Agency and Clients are set up in Maintenance but can later be edited as required for each Vacancy. In the Vacancy the scheme will be selected from the Description.

2.5 Shift Templates

Shift Templates need to be defined before shifts can be used. The minimum required is a Description, Times or Duration and whether moveable. Shift Templates can be predefined for a department, client or be global. They can have skills requirements set and time frames, a reference and confirmations required.

Guidance is required if complex shift timesheeting is to be used.

2.6 Shift Cancel Reasons

Cancellation Reasons control who is to be notified of a cancellation, if rebooking is required and if a cancelled shift should be invoiced.

2.7 Miscellaneous Settings

2.8 Composite Pay Companies

Set up the Composite Payroll Companies that can be used by the Agency. Each element can be set to be included or excluded – as indicated by red or green. Once a Name has been entered and Update pressed, each element defaults to Do Not Include.

Any changes to an existing Template will be sent through to all candidates with that Template selected.

2.9 CIS Card Templates

Set up the CIS Card Templates that can be used by the Agency

3 Accounts Setup

The full Accounts Setup guide is a separate document. Included here are the areas that apply to all Agencies, including those that do not use IQX internal Sales Ledger.

3.1 Accounts

Each Client Account Code that is entered appears here with the name of the first company it was associated with. A code cannot be deleted so that even if it is no longer linked with a company the details are on record.

3.2 Placement Elements

Placement Elements need to be set for:

Required elements are:

'Fee for ',,' as ',employment.position). Will default to the name of the Candidate if the value has been left blank.

Two internal elements can be set for Temp placement.

Useful Placement Elements

The following should only be altered under supervision of LSM Logic staff.

Read Only elements are shown but cannot be altered by the user.

The validation & warning check are optional steps. Each is a sql expression that must evaluate to TRUE or FALSE. They are run when the placement is authorised. The validation check must evaluate to TRUE for the authorisation to succeed, if it doesn't, the text in the Validation message is displayed.

If the Warning check doesn't evaluate to true then the warning text is displayed, but the authorisation can proceed. A typical use of the facility is to only allow Managers to authorise discounted placements.

3.3 Nominal Code Segment Structure

Placements can be set up so that more than one nominal code can be exported to an Accounts program. Up to 5 segments, with a maximum combined length of 20 characters, can be used. This can be used for calculating commissions and monitoring income. To be setup under the supervision of LSM Logic.

3.4 Nominal Code Segments

These are required for a Permanent Placement to be Authorised. They are designed for both the calculation of commission, including splits, and to export revenue information to Accounts. It can be kept simple or taken to several levels. Set up Segmenst for each Department and/or Consultant you require to be involved. The code fragment needs to be the correct length, as defined in the structure above. The order is always by Code Fragement, not alphabetical by Description. The Code Segments have to be maintained for new Users and Leavers.

4 Users

A User is somebody working within the agency. Everyone who will be logging into IQX Enterprise must be entered as a user. Users are connected to areas of location (branch and division) and expertise (department) and have access rights set to areas of the program. The System Administrator must be set with full rights. User Details are the main settings for a User. It is sensible to have the login name to be the same as the Windows login name.

Top Sections

Main details about the User. Division is for allocating to a User what data they can view. If users are to be restricted to only seeing data attached to their default division, or selected, they should also have Own or Select the appropriate ones in Division Access. If you tick the Use as Template box when you create a new User it will use this record as template to set default Roles, Maintenance etc. When a User leaves tick the Not in Use box. It prevents login and the User name will not appear in the Desk Top or Contact Event Selector drop down. Reporting Rights enable sophisticated levels of access to reports and what can be done with them. Users can View, Print or Edit reports which have an Access Level up to the same figure as their Reporting Rights figure. Suggest 0 for casual/Temp Users, 100 for Consultants, 200 for Admin Staff, 500 for Managers, 999 for System Administrator. General Roles determine what a user can see in IQX.

Roles View

This is broken down into five sections: General - apply to all users, Maintenance – Assigns configuration maintenance rights to a user; you may want to restrict which users have access to these roles Superuser – rights for working across Divisions Temp – Options for editing fields that apply to Temp Candidates. WP – Word Processing capabilities.

5 General Settings

These are divided into seven areas. These can be filtered by selecting the appropriate Group.

5.1 Settings

Some of the General Settings: For value enter a Y or N to turn on or off

5.2 Terminology

It is possible to configure the terminology to match the way your Company uses it.
For example: If you refer to your Client Companies as 'Businesses' set the singular of Company to Business and the plural to Businesses. Then all labels in the program which used the word 'Company' will be changed to use 'Business'.
Vacancy Notes – can be renamed, eg Web Description Secondary Notes - If this field is filled an extra Notes view with that heading will appear on the Person Details form. The view could be used for bulletin notes, general description, etc.

5.3 Colours

Colours for the forms can be changed for the database as a whole, but not for individual users. Use the Get Colour button to select a new shade.

5.4 Accounts

Settings for the use of the Sales Ledger e.g. for Default credit days and the maximum allowed.

5.5 Temps

Settings for Temps Payroll behaviour, Timesheet behaviour, restrictions on editing, switching on and off various functionality.

5.6 Email and Telephony

To make the best use of the electronic capabilities of an Agency the IT manager must set up the appropriate information. These should be set under the supervision of the IQX Installation staff They control emailing, faxing by email and SMS messaging by email.

5.7 Switchable Fields

It is possible to add an extra three columns to the Company, Person and Vacancy selectors. Each column is defined here. This should be done under the supervision of the IQX Installation staff.

6 Questionnaires

This area has a separate document. These should be set up with advice from IQX


This form shows a list of every Account Code that has been set up. Sales Codes are only created by allocating a code to a client and completing a transaction such as a Timesheet, but they are stored here. An Account consists of a Ledger type, the code and an editable Name. The Name is used in the Accounts reports rather than the Client Name. If a Client moves to a new account code the details of the previous code, and any related history outstanding, will remain accessible from here. An Account can NEVER be deleted, once used.


The main Nominal Codes are entered here to be used when exporting to an accounts program i.e. Sage. Further nominal codes can be created to show the revenue stream attached to each User. This can happen automatically by combining the revenue code and a user’s nominal split segment. E.g. 40001002


Used for setting global definitions used in creating Invoices and Receipts. This configuration should only be changed under supervision of IQX staff. Consists of:

There is only 1 Invoice layout for all Invoices and Credits. This MUST be called SalesInvoice.rtm.

Where there are multiple bank accounts a Template has to be set up for each bank account, the account and nominals must be entered and in General Settings the options Manually select document template for Payments must be set to Y.


If segments are to be used for exporting to Accounts the structure has to be set up. There can be several segments; each for a group such as division, consultant, etc. Enter the number of digits to be used in each segment – total of all segment digits to be 12


Used for creating nominal codes for each group and for reporting e.g. on Commission splits on Placements. This should only be configured under LSM Logic supervision. Each Code fragment should be unique. It can apply to Perm Placements, Temp Placements or Both. When a new consultant arrives they MUST be added to the nominal segments


Placement Elements need to be set for calculating the Fee for a permanent placement. Other elements can be added information or invoice settings. Required elements are:

'Fee for ',,' as ',employment.position'. Will default to the name of the Candidate if the value has been left blank.

Two elements can be set for Temp placement.

Useful Placement Elements

Note: These should only be altered under supervision of IQX staff.


There are certain functions that need to have the defaults checked or altered before Temp invoicing.

Note: These should only be altered under supervision of IQX staff.

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