Release 2.23.40


IQ-2676 tagchoices description had prefix/suffix of whitespace

IQ-2692 Using a job to send a notification -even if specific in job the EmailLOG is not populating

IQ-2702 Allocating a Person record to be Sec Ag, At the point of allocating/changing a Sed Ag link payroll is blanked

IQ-2712 broadbean no longer supporting integrated browser

IQ-2716 missing index on tempshiftplan.analysiscode

IQ-2719 writeexcelrow empty cell with formatting.

IQ-2721 Job Runner <SMTPConnection> not allowing <else>

IQ-2726 cannot compile up iqx without

IQ-2729 Acutes, Accents etc, cause filename issues in T/s linking

IQ-2735 query book not listing all shifts if someone has unavailable

IQ-2740 Staff Notes - Limit based on user created date

IQ-2746 scanning iffy named timesheets in Anywhere

IQ-2753 Accounts, Outstanding column to obey fullyallocated, as in total;

IQ-2760 Investigate SQL Tool in IQXHub.exe job debugger

IQ-2763 add doc attaching to wrong invoice

IQ-2766 Fix the mongo db interface

IQ-2769 Hide Duplicate Shifts toggle nont working correctly on Fill Shifts Wizard

IQ-2771 mailchimp company selector, gives sql error

IQ-2777 COL fields in client notify complete not working correctly

IQ-2778 SQLTool right click options need fixing for IQXanywhere

IQ-2781 Clean up display of pdf documents

IQ-2782 Person Record - Search not producing all results

IQ-2790 expense images not being shown on timesheets

IQ-2791 broadbean not defaulting to non-european addresses

IQ-2792 CLONE - Prov ts web services still depend on bankscan.dll

IQ-2794 duplicating an online reference returns the same urlcode

IQ-2795 Desktop→Inbox can read email with digital signature

IQ-2799 F11 always returning 'Timesheet not found'

IQ-2803 bankscan stuck in loop with override code \(timesheet entry ONLY\)

IQ-2815 new temppayband fields give error if unticked.

IQ-2819 Push notification stopped working \(template text not being passed across to job\)

IQ-2822 job runner not evaluating field switches

IQ-2843 tempdesk availability, extra column in tempdeskcustomcolmns

IQ-2846 Fix When editing a question description then all questions of same ID get updated

IQ-2847 change trigger on tagid re whitespace

IQ-2848 standalone broadbean not setting advertidon 'advert check' button

IQ-2851 notification with attachment \(client\), access violation

IQ-2852 book placement via diary, with a SHF\_FillConfirm notification sql errror

IQ-2853 bankscan stuck in loop with override code \(timesheet entry\)

IQ-2856 Client shift confirmations need to be able to send one per candidate and one for all candidates

IQ-2864 Can only send single notifications from short list

IQ-662 Provisional timesheets created on a desk, warning if the vacancy is moved before completion

IQ-1517 Add warnings to iqxWEB Settings where insecure options \(intended for testing\) are used.

IQ-1593 Web Referencing - further improvements

IQ-1677 Add Version Update Date to Help-About Section

IQ-1730 Nominal Segments improvements

IQ-1771 Tracked Candidates - way of Compliance users seeing the records they are linked to

IQ-2033 Improve Password Security

IQ-2446 E-Timesheets Expenses supported with Images

IQ-2484 Filter on Invoice Temp Timesheets View

IQ-2490 Accounts views not coming back in to focus when selected again from the menu

IQ-2495 Timesheet Image Linking increasing the size of the form

IQ-2509 Saving files from IQXanywhere - offer default filename

IQ-2537 Save position on prov timesheets

IQ-2540 change of message needed for notifications on person - search

IQ-2542 Improvements to References on desktop

IQ-2627 New accounts role to change Candidate Payroll Co

IQ-2661 Master Roster cosmetic tweaks

IQ-2662 Flexibility re staffid for Contactevent created via <SendEmail>

IQ-2667 Add Filter to Temp Invoicing \(to also use custom column info\)

IQ-2668 Ad Hoc invoices/Credits - give the user the option of choosing another template

IQ-2669 Timesheet - Shifts not always showing - ShowDate poss not helping

IQ-2672 when export report \(extension pdf1\), scaleimages not working

IQ-2674 Drop ASA specific procedure from DBUpdate: SoftNetASAAssignmentDatasheet\(\)

IQ-2678 Sales Pipeline - New record - want a CE to appear at once

IQ-2680 In Invoice Timesheets allow Position col to order - and check the rest

IQ-2681 Enable font in SQLTool to be made bigger as some cannot see

IQ-2683 Sales Pipeline enhancements

IQ-2684 Contact events - make “all including system” filter default switchable

IQ-2686 Notif enhance - be able to CC in the Consultant or Researcher, etc

IQ-2687 Linking Questions to Compliance Doc Types - filter causing access violation

IQ-2689 Reports views for Maint Users, show cols of access level, and if job or rtm

IQ-2693 Ad Hoc invoicing - adding mileage per shift

IQ-2695 Add box for fixed CC, similar to BCC - if poss part 2 to be able to get the record's staffid email

IQ-2698 Vacancy Shifts - add Sec Agency in brackets after name

IQ-2699 Rate Schemes - diff font colour for rates name or line that have a Sec Ag linked

IQ-2701 When SQLTrace is on add an option to menu to turn it off

IQ-2704 Process to identify which shifts have been invoiced outside TS Invoicing

IQ-2705 Timesheet wizard - add to Select Vacancy view a Filter Box

IQ-2707 GF - Same notification template applying to multiple progress states

IQ-2708 WPK - Short List - move focus after action to top

IQ-2711 Filter on Transaction List window

IQ-2715 Audit Trail on Notification Templates

IQ-2717 Bank Holidays per Region

IQ-2718 Shift Match Custom Colum ordering


IQ-2722 Use colour in cell for identifying if Candidate confirmed on web.

IQ-2724 Split Rate Scheme Form Details section into two columns for ease of reading

IQ-2730 Community Invoicing from shifts \(Pulse\)- JournalQuantity

IQ-2731 Deep Link where multi identical shifts - cand sent one, but need All offered on Webservice JSON

IQ-2732 Items for 2.23.30 update

IQ-2733 Automatically answering questions when document is signed \(for compliance score\)

IQ-2734 Automatically answering questions when reference is sent/returned \(for compliance score\)

IQ-2736 P45 options - remove composite company template

IQ-2737 Add Contact Position column when changing client on a vacancy

IQ-2743 Ability for Temp Desk Reports/Jobs to use highlighted records from most views

IQ-2744 Make the Stamp Date description switchable so 'Verified Date' can be changed

IQ-2750 VAC\_POSTCODEDISTANCETOPERSON missing from progress notifications

IQ-2751 Deeplink going on a general setting switch

IQ-2754 BCL - Role to limit access to Unsubscribe to Marketing button

IQ-2758 New switch for Web API account deletion CE code

IQ-2764 GF - Table for Deep Link Notification Questions

IQ-2765 Changes to iqxWeb Setting→Questionnaire Group

IQ-2768 expand notification copy button to included deeplink templates

IQ-2773 Audit if a Timesheet is deleted

IQ-2774 Prevent a Timesheet that has an ONLINE images attached from being deleted

IQ-2775 Invoice - PDF creation - order to add images - by TS, TSLine - can have multiple images per line

IQ-2776 Extra tick boxes on paybands to deal with expenses

IQ-2785 Default connection from inbox now to Outlook API.

IQ-2788 Expand webservice ProvTSCreate to create 1 timesheet per shift

IQ-2797 New Company field ETimesheetProv

IQ-2798 Deleting Prov TSs with Online Images - insert step to save Images and audit that done and where

IQ-2820 Warning message when posting a manual invoice

IQ-2840 Amendments to CC

IQ-2841 CLONE - Amendments to CC

IQ-2861 Show default invoice template in drop down list on ad oc invoice

IQ-2665 Re-registering, going back into original state

IQ-2723 CLONE - Re-registering, going back into original state

IQ-2814 can view extra documents from tempdesk.