==== Timesheets Tab / working with timesheets ==== **refers to:**\\ temp desk form -> timesheets tab\\ \\ **To create a batch of Provisional Timesheets** \\ * Use the **Create Timesheet** button – a provisional timesheet will be created for every placement or shift that does not already have a provisional or completed timesheet for the week. From 2.21.8+ it is possible for non accounts users to create timesheets, please speak to your System Administrator to set this up. * There is a job template that can be customised that will create provisional timesheets for a selection of desks in a period so that each desk does not have to be done individually. Please contact IQX Support if you would like to use this job. * Work through the timesheets, completing them one by one. \\ When you need to chase temps who have not returned timesheets or to advise them they need to get their timesheet in earlier because of a bank holiday you can contact them in bulk using notifications has now been added for Provisional Timesheets on the Temp Desk (version 2.21.4 onwards). You must press Ctrl + click with your mouse to select the timesheet before pressing the notification icon. Notifications can be sent to the Candidate, client or both. {{::temp_desk_prov_ts_notifications.png?500|}} \\ \\ **To create a Single Timesheet ** * Use an **Add Timesheet** button or **Expand** a Provisional Timesheet. **To copy timesheets to a future week** * For a selection first use the **Ctrl key** and **mouse** to Select the lines. * Use the **Copy** Timesheets button. * Set the parameters for what is to be copied, Which Week to, Fill with same Temp and Copy Rates * Provisional timesheets will be created in the Week specified \\ See also \\ [[http://www.iqxusers.co.uk/iqxhelp/doku.php?id=UG9-11|What do the colours mean?]] \\ \\ Back to [[http://www.iqxusers.co.uk/iqxhelp/doku.php?id=1_online_user_guide|Online Users Guide]] \\ Back to [[UG6-00]]