==Temps view== Click on the Temps tab to see the temps position for the week.\\ \\ This is where you manage your group of Temps that have this desk assigned to them. View current placements, Add types of availability, view holiday pay, drag to add to vacancy shortlists, Process to mailmerge and report on.\\ \\ You can view candidates for that week by: * Current Pool. Candidates with a Current status on their Personal details page as well as being assigned to the Temp Desk. \\ \\ * Entire Pool. Everyone assigned to that Temp Desk, whatever state. ^Button ^Use^ |Search |Search for a specific candidate.| |Expand |Open the person record for the selected candidate.| |Holiday Pay|Open the Accrued Holiday Pay Calculations information for the selected candidate.| |Available |Enter availability for the selected candidate.| |Unavailable|Enter the dates that the candidate is not available for work.| |On Holiday |Enter the dates that the candidate is on holiday.| |Enter Timesheet|Starts the Timesheet Wizard to create a new timesheet for the candidate.|