==== How to email to multiple recipients ==== \\ Open a Contact Event and type the email message in the notes section. Click the E-mail button. * To select several recipients click the ... button on the Address line at the top of the email form. * A selector of company contacts with email addresses will be opened, tick the select box and the name will be added to the box below. * If you want to add recipients who are not linked to the company, type the start of the **keyname** into the box, select the radio button for looking for candidate, company or company contact and click the Find button. * Tick the Select box on the right and the name will be added into the box below. Do further Finds and Selects to build a list of recipients. * Use the same method to add recipients to the CC and BCC lines. \\ \\ Back to [[http://www.iqxusers.co.uk/iqxhelp/doku.php?id=1_online_user_guide|Online Users Guide]] \\ Back to [[UG10-00]]