====== Release to ====== \\ **Note**: If you have custom forms defined in IQX, not all new features may be available to you. \\ * before a version number indicates that the version is available for testing, not yet fully released. \\ x before a version number indicates that the version is not yet available \\ \\ ^Version ^Feature / Change ^ ||New Settings switch allowing linking to external documents.| ||A fix for Database Diagnostics, Audit Trail, Count producing out of memory errors.| ||Support for linking to Accord Payroll.| ||New Accounts switch ( Accord Linked ) to control editing of payroll number.| ||Documents - Fix for viewing text files.| ||Vacancies - Cannot now delete vacancies with Shortlists or Contact Events.| ||Shift Adder - Fixed problem with long company names by only using first 50 characters.| ||Rate Scripts - Fix to prevent showrate being executed when shift is flagged neither to pay nor bill.| ||HTTP SMS - Switch ( Proxy Server settings ) for http proxy settings | ||Some selector forms made wider.| ||Questionnaire form resizing behaviour changed. List of tags stretch not choices.| ||Publish to Web on Document views moved.| ||JobRunner. Will now fail without crashing if parameter to ExecSQL > 32k | ||Publish To Web added to document views.| ||New dialog to present consistent interface for adding documents in Person, Company, Vacancy and Placement| ||JobRunner. Add new 'starts with' comparison in If | ||Add display name, display group to phone types, initialize display name to old name (changing telephone to phone for space reasons). Display group works like questionnaires. If name in WPK longer than 1 char that will be used instead of display name. | ||When copying shifts warn that some cannot be filled due to unavailability or pre shift validation. New report available to view details. New tempdesk report to show details available “Shifts Problem Copying”.| ||Use `(reverse single quote) before database name in Windows shortcut to make database name read only on login form. | ||IQXLite in place of IQXEnterprise in license used to restrict some functionality. | ||Change to fixed font for popup memo editor in grids only for Rate Scripts| ||JobRunner. Added ContentType attribute to HTTPRequest ( needed explicit text/xml content type sent )| ||JobRunner. Added NoCRLF attribute to WriteXMLTag, WriteXMLRow ( for parsers that error on CRLF between tags )| ||SQLHelper. Right click option - Copy Field List - puts comma-separated list of fields into clipboard| ||SQLHelper. Show column no and add header click sorting| ||SQLTool. Right click Copy as Insert/Update puts statement into clipboard| ||SQLTool. Warn if no WHERE clause present if update/delete| ||Set changed and accessed dates and by on new BLOBs| ||DB cleanup procedure part written and tested, not an event yet| ||Check divisions allowed and archived on email -> contact event| ||Vacancies Search, add new state 'All Current' include all states being treated as 'Current'| ||Bankline Export. Added switchable currency and CHAPS and International payment methods| ||Holiday Pay in lieu saves weeks holiday due instead of 1. Added option to request P45 if pay in lieu| ||Auto timesheet permissions| ||Allow .docx Word documents to be imported| ||Switch to allow people without Accounts Role to remove P45 requested| ||Show/Hide Hours tab when entering contract timesheet| ||Fixed availability last/next year leap year bug| ||New function for bulk person emailing on shiftticker and shiftmatch| ||Option to auto create contact events from email,fax,sms,print| ||Remove field codes from imported cvs| ||Add extra checking to Copy Shifts| ||ThresholdAdd command added to rate script| ||Vacancy and Placement work pattern for contract jobs| ||Tempaid export changes controlled by General settings| ||Debug switch on iqsqlqueryunsafe| ||Contract timesheet. Completion Hours view added| ||Contract timesheet. Completion Rate script processing| ||Tempdesk. Autocomplete timesheets| ||Tempdesk. Add hours to contract placement view with right-click option to change| ||Tempdesk. Add hours to Timesheet view and viewer for scanned timesheets| ||Tempdesk. Timesheet autocomplete option| ||Shift Matcher. Autofill option added| ||Shift Matcher. Custom sorting function| ||Shift Matcher. Separate colour for previously in vacancy| ||File linking in Document views| ||Emailing invoices| ||Tempaid export improvements| ||Temp Desk timesheets and placements- client sort subsorts by temp| ||Selective filtering of contact event types by consultant| ||Fixed login problem where user had 'Selected' division access but no selections| ||!Run script command allows double quotes| ||Uniquekey DB function uses hex counter| \\ [[Historic Versions]]