====== Email Group Notifications ====== Email Group Notifications provide a mechanism for maintaining single or groups of email addresses for use by Jobs and iqxWEB when distributing messages reports etc. Individual email addresses etc can then be changed in IQX without having to edit the jobs each time. * Topic - a pre-agreed token, often shared with the IQXWeb Settings - Query Recipients. Examples in use are SUBMITCANDIDATE, ADDSHIFTS, ADDVACANCY, JOBAPPLICATION, SHIFTSTATECHANGE, CLIENTBOOKING, DOCUMENTUPLOAD, TIMESHEET, PAYROLL and ACCOUNTS. * Email Address - can be one or more recipient addresses, separated by commas or semicolons * Message Text - the text of the email - if invoked by RequestLinkedEmailStaffNotification (see below). May contain tokens such as {loadform}person/{personid}/cv{/loadform} which will convert to hyperlinks to load a specified form and view in IQX * Supported tokens are: * {personid} * {companyid} * {vacancyid} * {loadform} to start a hyperlink, matched by {/loadform} to end it * Division and Department can be used to narrow down the recipients for a particular notification. If they are left blank this recipient will receive all notifications for the topic A Scheduled Job, EmailStaffNotifier.xml or equivalent, must be running to do the actual sending. ++++Sample Job| current date - 3 ]]> {body} Open in IQX
Note: the above link will only work if IQX is running on the current device and configured to respond
{recipients} {emailbody}
++++ There are two alternative functions which can be invoked from a web net procedure or anywhere else:RequestEmailStaffNotification ( in pTopic char(50),in pBody long varchar,in pHyperLink char(100),in pDepartmentID char(2) default null,in pDivisionID char(20) default null ) This is used to directly specify the body of the email. pTopic links to the Topic in Maintenance | Agency Setup | Email Group Notifications. pBody is the body text. pHyperLink is an optional woodpecker form to load, with parameters e.g. person/xxxx where xxxx is a personid. The generated hyperlink will be appended to the body text. pDepartmentID and pDivisionID will be used to narrow down who receives the emails from the recipients specified in Maintenance | Agency Setup | Email Group Notifications. Alternatively the Message Text can be specified in Maintenance | Agency Setup | Email Group Notifications containing tokens like {loadform} & {personid} (see above) and the alternative call used:RequestLinkedEmailStaffNotification( in pTopic char(50),in pPersonID char(20) default null,in pCompanyID char(20) default null,in pVacancyID char(20) default null,in pDepartmentID char(2) default null,in pDivisionID char(20) default null )