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newreleases:release_2.18.4_table [2022/07/21 11:50] Scott McMullennewreleases:release_2.18.4_table [2022/12/12 16:48] (current) Scott McMullen
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-====== Release 2.22.06 ======+====== Release 2.22.09 ======
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-IQ-2337 Resolve Error when processing Shift Questionnaire+IQ-2341 - Invoice Details - when expanding Placements from Timesheets video buttons do not work
-IQ-2332 desktop->work list status name truncated+IQ-2347 timesheet / shift questionnaire not looking at taglocation in the graded question
-IQ-2326 custom columns tempdesk shorted to 1 char+IQ-2352 updating a vacancy choice description gives a PERSONID error 
-IQ-2324 Image Linking - items not displaying by default+IQ-2353 select all/none when not having textmessage role \(shift ticker view\) selects the wrong column
-IQ-2322 Colour indicating a linked image on temp desk view not working+IQ-2367 Sales Transaction List - Our Ref and All fields need to be set to Uneditable/readonly
-IQ-2312 Error notice when linking questions to Compliance Documents in setup+IQ-2373 Self Bill - modification so that a TS with a transferbatch does NOT get set to -1
-IQ-2300 after disconnecting web settings generating loads of windows.+IQ-2378 Quick Shift Fill button does not show on Customise Menu options for Top Icons only or Left Icons
-IQ-2298 Maint, Website Terminology has no sort order or filter - and in Web2 will have 110s of entries+IQ-2381 Size bloat with adding JPEG timesheet images to PDF invoices
-IQ-2297 Temp Desk - Consultant filter on Temp Desk - hover text to say what it does+IQ-2386 Email Azure/Graph only retrieving 10 folders at each level.
-IQ-2293 GlobalDocumentSelect not returning documents+IQ-2395 ics calendar appointment do not set up the duration correctly.
-IQ-2292 error assign accountcode to company if no company account record.+IQ-2396 picklist 'staffdiv' not selecting enough staff for drop down lists 
-IQ-2279 Expanded Boliler Plate Text using Video buttons, first click always takes you to beginning of list+IQ-2398 Self Bill picking up PAYE timesheets
-IQ-2270 User Layout Setting 'Show Tempdesk Consultant Lookup' not working+IQ-2399 Self Bill creating invoices of zero value
-IQ-2264 send docs  \(checklists\) not working when report folder is unc \(pulse\)+IQ-2400 Self-Bill - Primary key for table SelfBillInvoicesforPDF not unique  \(""\) error
-IQ-2263 save report to pdf, image degrading \(report builder\)+IQ-2403 VAT Exempt problem from KT
-IQ-2262 Timesheet Image Linking Bug+IQ-2419 Composite Company Templates - fields not clearing if not in new template
-IQ-2258 adding a new date question expiry lead is sometimes readonly+IQ-2424 Button Bar icons and positioning - Staff Notes and Custom buttons
-IQ-2243 sql tool bombing out when pressing the 'x' button \(for some people\)+IQ-2430 contact event class code in notifications
-IQ-2232 Problem when saving documents to company record+IQ-2435 When putting <html> tag in notification template it does not bring through an email signature
-IQ-2223 When using the addlumpsum with 'and' in a rate script, it is ignoring the breaks in the shifts.+IQ-2436 self bill in never ending loop
-IQ-2193 Unique Key Function not coping when called in multi threaded hubs+IQ-2441 temptimesheet billed = 1 being set with no journal lines
-IQ-2281 Audit item - deleting IQXNetUser records+IQ-2442 server port not being reset after a disconnect
-IQ-2015 Push Notifications Manage this with IQX Notifications -  Transmission Type+IQ-2443 CLONE Fixed string length text questions
-IQ-2340 Make Timesheet Dispatcher work with Anywhere+IQ-2444 WPK payroll IQX issues
-IQ-2339 Notification custom word merge fields for shift rates+IQ-2462 order of views on records not saving
-IQ-2338 Compliance Domains View - top section needs to be larger on opening+IQ-2475 invoicing  with extra documents. Tiff and pdf add jpgs do not.
-IQ-2334 Audit Trail for Person Notes+IQ-1636 Add to Notifications to add a deep link, that sends to iqxWEB
-IQ-2333 Temp Desk - Vacancies - Set up background colour on shift cells+IQ-2012 Contact Event Improvement Project
-IQ-2329 CLONE - Exchequer - UTR Verification - New Button needed+IQ-2051 Run a Job Recent List
-IQ-2325 catch error when loading initial graphics+IQ-2095 Make Shift Cancel reasons departmental
-IQ-2321 Link Images Form If an image is linked the Linked Tab should be at the front+IQ-2111 Desk Top Inbox Link to Delivery Method
-IQ-2320 - Notifications - Fill shifts - use type FillConfirm rather than NotifyConfirm on Fill shifts wizard/form+IQ-2160 Method via Notifications to send a candidate a list of lots of unfilled shifts with deep links
-IQ-2311 Add index for ScanPathFileName and ImageBlobID to temptimesheet and prov+IQ-2241 Web References - Somewhere on desktop or temp desk to manage active references 
-IQ-2310 Amend Descriptions of General Settings where different for Anywhere+IQ-2260 BCL - duplicate function for custom additions eg a tagchoice result
-IQ-2308 - notification vacancy selector change from clientcontact to vac\_contact notification type+IQ-2261 - notification buttons on desktop
-IQ-2304 Remove the need to change the license for new woodpecker forms+IQ-2277 Temp Desk - Compliance - choice of hiding where warnings only make it show
-IQ-2303 Azure email client needs to retrieve tree of folders \(not just top level list\)+IQ-2283 Set a Default Vacancy Role on Client Temp Details
-IQ-2299 limited to 50 chars on global switch descriptions+IQ-2285 method to control days to expiry on TempDesk so that can make some dates not count for some states
-IQ-2294 notification allow custom timeprovtimesheet word merge fields from tempdesk->timesheet+IQ-2289 Adding a function to allow Notifications to change Progress States.  Any others?
-IQ-2291 notification shift grouping+IQ-2301 Request to switch off 2 Vacancy Short List buttons in Modify
-IQ-2288 Direct Engagement Message change to include Inside IR35+IQ-2307 Ability to spoof the assigned rights/permissions of a particular user 
-IQ-2286 Change login\_create\_variables+IQ-2315 Placement Extension tweak to button label
-IQ-2284 SMTP password increase length from 50 to 200+IQ-2316 Switch to change Placement Selector User dropdown Department to use Place Dept instead of User Dept
-IQ-2282 Notif Attachments - and others - new parameter for shifts+IQ-2327 User records ability to create stored selections 
-IQ-2280 Shift Viewer - now indicates which unfilled shifts have short lists+IQ-2328 Add CompositeID to Pay\_Employment and set when composite company details are written to Pay\_Employment
-IQ-2278 New Role for setting up Domains+IQ-2330 Upload page for timesheet images
-IQ-2276 Extension of Ops Teams to wherever there is consultant dropdown on a selector+IQ-2331 Ability to set BCC on a Notification that always be used for that Notif
-IQ-2272 vacancy cloud search \(peak\)+IQ-2335 API link\(s\) for IDSPs as gov allowing Digital checks in Sep
-IQ-2271 dba.login\_create\_variables system switch in params+IQ-2342 When Creating a New Timesheet from an existing do NOT close the original as it can be useful to see rates
-IQ-2269 Insert text for field needed for table+IQ-2343 In Timesheet views add a column for TheirRef
-IQ-2268 Person Progress view - tick box column moved to Left so always in sight+IQ-2345 Search results Ability to tick all by Person State - BCL request
-IQ-2267 2.22.2 tempdesk.placements not viewing+IQ-2348 Add blobstore location \(internal or external including folder info\) to database diagnostics db details
-IQ-2266 main menu custom departments not in sort order+IQ-2350 add logging to dbupdate
-IQ-2265 Desk Top Inbox - Filter and Search+IQ-2351 db updates takes a long time
-IQ-2259 Azure / Graph / EWS Inbox  - ability to Change Folders+IQ-2354 Setvariable \(job runner\) .add new attributes to encode value 
-IQ-2257 Person - Progress view - now includes a Remove button+IQ-2355 notification type drop down list not showing complete list
-IQ-2255 Collections Improvements.+IQ-2356 Person form - Add Preferred Clients and Preferred Shifts to Modify Screen
-IQ-2254 speed issue with link fusion jobs create new index on progress+IQ-2358 job runner, setvariable encrypt attribute
-IQ-2252 Shift Viewer Shift Filter box - option to 'Save as my Default'+IQ-2359 Contact Event mechanism for delivery System to update Jobs
-IQ-2251 Ability to insert an html table into Boiler Plate Text+IQ-2360 Contact Event delivery - Delphi work to amend - and create the procedure
-IQ-2249 User Roles - some unexpected ones have arrived at the top of the list - need to move to bottom of GENERAL+IQ-2361 warning message when timesheet images too big
-IQ-2247 Notification - Save to Docs button - hint to say 'Save selected Attachment to Documents'+IQ-2362 Add field to IQXAccountsStatistics
-IQ-2245 Desk Top Inbox default folder indication+IQ-2364 change of reportbuilder message
-IQ-2244 Person - Diary - Book Shifts - Notif button that sends ONE email with all selected vacs across clients+IQ-2366 Modification to IQ-2091 - need to put Hol/Anavail retrospectively \+ make work from Diary entry
-IQ-2242 rationalising Notification Types+IQ-2368 change for jenny, she wants an extra parameter for rbunit.emailreport
-IQ-2240 Temp Desk - Expiry Dates option to only show Expiring within 7 days+IQ-2369 Modification to Person Search button defaults
-IQ-2237 Book shifts from candidate now has criteria filter view.+IQ-2370 Error when adding department questions
-IQ-2236 Notification Enhancements+IQ-2371 Add ability to Ad Hoc Invoice PDF to add Documents
-IQ-2235 In duplicate Rate Scheme include the max and min margin cols+IQ-2374 Sending Invoices - as each is successfully sent to mark individually as sent at that point
-IQ-2234 Placement - Shifts view - now has Confirm button+IQ-2375 Testing Invoice image processing converting jpg to PDF
-IQ-2233 Stored Search views have a column for Department+IQ-2376 notification SHF\_POSTCODEDISTANCE round to 2 decimal point
-IQ-2231 Maintenance - Custom Columns option to select 'ALL' departments+IQ-2379 Reregister candidate job and button. 
-IQ-2229 Secondary Agency record - redesign of fields+IQ-2380 Offer IO\_JPEG in <ImageFileConvert> as alternative to LZW compression 
-IQ-2228 Audit when Contact Event type is merged or deleted+IQ-2383 database diagnostic->tools view mis aligned on anywhere 
-IQ-2219 Questionnaire maintenance filter on Choices+IQ-2384 BCL Add waring to Vacancy
-IQ-2218 parameter list for notification reports \(with function\)+IQ-2385 Fixed string length text questions
-IQ-2217 Ability to have webapp push notification, similar to bulk email+IQ-2387 PRC division - internal BCL Legal candidates - record access
-IQ-2216 Shift Viewer text filter added+IQ-2389 Notifications ability to automatically save to record report attachments
-IQ-2212 Online Web Refs - selection of Types to process that results in different Questions being displayed+IQ-2391 Terminology questionnaire tab on placement
-IQ-2210 Notification doesnt have save/clear form position options+IQ-2392 Contact Event - new functionality - Web Jobs
-IQ-2208 - Candidate to have a Preferred list of clients to work for.+IQ-2393 - CLONE - Candidate to have a Preferred list of Shifts to work for.
-IQ-2207 Collective Notes - send communications to groups of Users, enforce acknowledgement+IQ-2394 jobrunner emailquery does not support htmlbody text
-IQ-2205 Confirmation - new method of selecting All/None by right click+IQ-2397 Show email provider on top right of desk top inbox
-IQ-2202 Audit when a composite company is selected in Person Payroll+IQ-2405 Prevent being able to Delete LINKED Document after timesheet processed
-IQ-2196 Temp Desk - Expiry dates - means of Excluding some Expiry Dates by Person state+IQ-2406 Procedure to call to create Contact Events to use with jobs and new fields and log entry
-IQ-2195 Search both Contract and Shift vacancies, ensuring future shifts exist+IQ-2407 Temp Desk Transfer View - for Anywhere to download Tempdaid files instead of sending to a folder
-IQ-2194 Placement Extensions Extension reason is non editable+IQ-2409 Preferred Client on Person button to call selector instead of picklist
-IQ-2191 Online Web Refs - ability to edit  before sending on to the referee+IQ-2410 Add WhenEntered Field into Vacancy Shifts view 
-IQ-2183 Shift Quick Fill - modification to find by Serial Number or Client  Ref+IQ-2412 Ability to add additional documents to invoices
-IQ-2182 Temp Desk  - Contract - Availability view - right click shows work pattern days+IQ-2420 Enhance message when posting on bulk payments
-IQ-2179 Company record now shows Registration Date.+IQ-2421 Broadbean - modify View CV button to work in anywhere
-IQ-2176 Extend ICS from reminders to work with Google, etc, not just Outlook+IQ-2425 sending http sms from contact events
-IQ-2168 New Roles to enable buttons on User selector+IQ-2427 new tables iqxnetyoti and utrcheck
-IQ-2162 Notification - could we have a field in the notification for the 'Comment' that can be added on a header and applied to all?+IQ-2428 Person Source changes not showing in Audit Trail
-IQ-2145 IQXAnywhere report export option of xlsx+IQ-2452 Checking the whole Self Bill Process
-IQ-2141 Validation check when picking a rate script within a rate scheme+IQ-2453 If Self Bill Supplier Code exists then Co Name and VAT details don't show on Person, - need to show non editable
-IQ-2140 Person and Company - new Favourites view+IQ-2454 Self Bill - new check on adding new Supplier Code that Co name and Reg and if VAT = Y then VatReg exist
-IQ-2070 Vacancy search criteria that finds Active Broadbean Adverts+IQ-2457 Self Bill - audit person changes of supplier code
-IQ-2067 Company Notes top level search+IQ-2458 Vacancy - if Modify screen = Hide Rates then also hide the Pay Charge line in Details
-IQ-2064 Add Sort Order to Division table+IQ-2474 Attachments in notifications not picked up from jobrunner 
-IQ-2054 iqxWEB Settings \(with overrides\)+IQ-2476 Allow sending and Ah Hoc invoice without a pdf to use the email summary function
-IQ-2046 Secondary Agency Candidate add from Fast New button+IQ-2478 Invoices Add Docs button to be on all views of Temp, Perm and Ad Hoc PDF invoices
-IQ-2020 Sending Reports as PDF - Ability to free type text when sending +IQ-2437 wpk switches \(and table\) from gareth
- +
-IQ-2010 - Remove redundant \(and never used\) MimeMessage table +
- +
-IQ-2007 - Temp Desk - now a count button on Availability and Expiry dates +
- +
-IQ-2005 - Company mailmerge looking at Speculative CVs - once linked to a Candidate also have a Map view +
- +
-IQ-1908 - Person - Questionnaire filter +
- +
-IQ-1900 - Vacancy Compliance - Can cascade Compliance Doman from Company to Vacancy +
- +
-IQ-1644 - Shift Filler - new column to show count of short listed candidates. +
- +
-IQ-1643 - Temp Desk - Vacancies - right clicking on an Unfilled Shift takes you to the Shift selector for working on short list +
- +
-IQ-1525 - Update Questionnaire Maintenance Help Button Link +
- +
-IQ-1357 - Ordering on Pay/Amount columns different on different views+
  • newreleases/release_2.18.4_table.txt
  • Last modified: 2022/12/12 16:48
  • by Scott McMullen